Full Speed Ahead – As In “On The Highways In North Dakota”
I may have joked about this a thousand times over. My 2001 Silver Chevy Impala...
...goes 0 to 60 mph in about 6 minutes - BUT it gets me here to our radio station in Mandan. Pretty much that is what most people in Bismarck and Mandan focus on. We
don't do a ton of interstate driving, for some of us our commute is less than 10 minutes long. I know this from experience, watching cars zip past me on the interstate like I'm
standing still, and I'm driving the 75 mph speed limit, and easy observation is that most people are driving at least 80...
...and that will be legal.
There was an identical bill that tried to pass two years ago, but Governor Doug Burgam vetoed it - he sided with the argument that the extra speed would increase fatal
accidents - according to northdakotamonitor.com "North Dakota’s maximum interstate speed limit is 75 mph. Rep. Ben Koppelman, R-West Fargo, chief sponsor of House Bill
1298, said the speed limit increase would still allow cities and towns to work with the Department of Transportation to control the speed limits on portions of the interstate
that pass through their city limits"
Are we really in that kind of hurry to get where we are going?
You don't have to be a genius to understand that your reaction time to a sudden accident just ahead of you while traveling 80 miles per hour will be significantly less.
The bill had no problem passing - House members voted 69-22 to advance the bill to the Senate. "Sen. Sean Cleary, R-Bismarck, said he voted against the speed limit
increase in 2023 and he plans to vote no again this year. “I really don’t see a need to change it. It seems to be working fine the way it is right now,” Cleary said.- northdakota
monitor.com reported.
Best scenic drives in North Dakota
LOOKS: Things you'd likely see in an awesomely '80s garage
Gallery Credit: Stephen Lenz
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