Yesterday was April Fool's Day, a day that lies in infamy as one of either great achievement or tragic embarrassment. Here at Free Beer and Hot Wings, we did our own prank that was met with praise and admiration. This would be what many consider a great achievement.

On the flip side, we also had a listener who thought they were a comedy genius after ordering a pizza and wings to our station for Maitlynn...without paying for it. And, it wasn't cheap! This is what would be considered a tragic embarrassment.

News flash: all that did was waste the delivery driver's time and ours. She wasn't even here. So, super funny pal!

Tommy McNeill, Townsquare Media
Tommy McNeill, Townsquare Media

To try and teach our silly listeners what a good April Fool's prank looks like, I've sniffed around the internet to find a couple of quality April Fool's pranks on social media this year that are actually funny.

IGN - The Virtual Boy Pro

Unfortunately, this one got me, and I didn't realize until the "Mario Kart: Open Road"  that this product was not feasible at all. IGN nailed the aesthetic of these Nintendo videos.

7/11's Hot Dog Sparkling Water

7/11 got an early jump on April Fools this year after they announced a new, very real line of sparkling water on March 27th. Flavors include Lemon Lime, Green Apple, Sweet Orange, and...Hot Dog? Yeah. They even created a limited number of Big Bite Hot Dog Sparkling Water and shared them with influencers to really sell the bit. From most accounts, the drink is awful (as intended, I imagine).


Tinder - VP of Ghost Hunting

I wasn't going to cover this one just because it was sort of a mid-joke, however, I am sharing now because I learned that Tinder actually posted this position on Linkedin, and for that commitment, they get a mention. If you've used a dating app, you've probably been ghosted. This new role takes the term "ghosted" literally, and Tinder has created a role to track down all those pesky ghosts everyone is experiencing.


Amtrak's "Emotional Baggage"

This is a kind of sweet one. If you need a place to decompress or as their tweet says who "needs a lift", Amtrak has your back. If you've taken a train somewhere before, it can be a rather relaxing experience, so there's some truth to this bit.

New York Times Connections

This is a personal plug. My friends and I all do the New York Times games each morning and share them in our little group chat, and if you're like me, you were met with a fun and difficult puzzle yesterday when the game utilized emojis only instead of words to create a connection.

Tommy McNeill, Townsquare Media
Tommy McNeill, Townsquare Media

There were many others that I enjoyed like Urban Outfitter's new fake clothing line called "Name Three Shirts' poking fun at gatekeepers from older fans of bands, or Fluent Cannabis' "Rosetta Stoned" to decipher stoner lingo.

These are jokes that actually have a payoff. Take notes.

7 Potato Jokes to Make You Laugh

The Internet's 44 Best Clean One-Liner Jokes

Gallery Credit: Getty Images

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