Hi Idiots.

The end of times has arrived. Danger is afoot. Barricade your doors, stock up your food, and prepare for the worst.

I'm kidding. But the show and I were talking this morning about the ever-present (?) threat that your neighbor could up and decide that today is the day they develop a craving for brains, and the world would never be the same.

Zombie Rising. A hand rising from the ground!

So naturally, the conversation turned to what each of us would do to try and survive the apocalypse and everyone's answers ranged from wacky to wholesome.

Maitlynn and Steve both decided to go on the offensive with wildly different strategies, but both involved spinning blades with their hands. Steve decided he wanted to, and I quote, "hold knives in my hands and spin around in circles super quickly. I'd like to see and TRY those zombies get close. BOOM. Stevey Scissorhands."

Getty Images / FBHW
Getty Images / FBHW

Meanwhile, Maitlynn decided she wanted to take a long-game approach to her survival by hiding for a very long time. BUT. She is going to practice her skills with chainsaws so when she's ready to go she'll be sooo trained and ready. She said her inspiration is "the woman from Sharknado".

Free Beer and Kelly both decided they would just embrace the situation and enjoy the time they have left. Free Beer would enjoy his final moments with his family the best he can (as grim as that sounds), while Kelly would try all the hardest drugs because "if she can survive the drugs she can survive anything". These are very different things.

The man takes out of his jeans pocket a package of drugs close-up
Getty Images

Hot Wings took perhaps the most unexpected route of everyone. Despite his reputation as the leading psychopath, HW didn't hesitate when he said he would "run like hell" and get somewhere isolated, promptly realize he made the wrong decision, and die.

Let Mother Nature be Mother Nature.

Photo by Patti Black on Unsplash
Photo by Patti Black on Unsplash

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