ALL sports fans have come across this situation many times

Mostly this story goes out to those that bleed your favorite team's colors - the occasional fan doesn't let themselves get too emotional. Oh sure, they might say they are sad when they take a loss, but don't expect them one inch to relate to the die-hard faithful - the many that have suffered through THE most agonizing moments a team should be allowed to go through. These are usually the times that you had the game in your hip pocket, and they blow it -  a missed last-second field goal for instance. Misery and pain settle in. I can relate, I'm from San Diego and my sports teams have never won a World Championship. I do have some ideas that could possibly save your blood pressure from soaring into the hundreds, the next time the Vikings are getting blown out on Monday Night Football.........................

1) A Simple 2-hour cry

Yep, turn off the television ( throw the remote control out the window, sit in the dark, and CRY - you'll feel better )

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kirstyokeeffe Getty Stock


2) Take The Cat Out For A Walk

I know, sounds crazy, but your cat will appreciate the exercise, PLUS you'll no doubt get plenty of people who will come by and try and console you, as tears fall from your face... onto your cat.

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Getty Images


3) Get Yourself Quickly To The Nearest Wax Museum

What better way to cheer up than look at a wax Zac Efron carrying a basketball ( See if you can take the ball out of his hands )

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Getty Images

4) Go Tupperware Shopping

Get involved in the exciting world of collecting Tupperware.

Taylor Dickson Getty Stock
Taylor Dickson Getty Stock

5) Try Your Hand At Stand-Up Comedy

Turn your sadness into comedy, and head out to the closest place that has an amateur comedy night - you'll be amused at just how much more self-torture you can stand for one night.

DanielVilleneuve Getty Images
DanielVilleneuve Getty Images

6) Call Up Every Woman You Know And Invite Them Over For A "Quickie"

Ok, well this more than likely will bum you out even more. Rejection will surely follow every desperate phone call and after a straight hour of dialing every ex-girlfriend's number ( if they haven't changed it ) - you'll end up with a sore finger, and STILL a broken heart ( from the Vikings once again )

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LOOK: The states with the most UFO sightings

For each state, we’ve also included details of famous UFO sightings in that state. Of note is that almost three-quarters of all UFO sighting reports in the United States occur between 4 p.m. and midnight, and tend to peak between 9 and 10 p.m. Food for thought next time you're out scoping for alien life. Keep reading to see which states have had the most UFO sightings.


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