Those that have suffered, surrendered, and fought back to regain their life have so much to teach others

If there is one thing I have learned in life is to give yourself a break. I was torturing myself for years with alcohol abuse, neglecting responsibilities, bills, and family members, all for the love of addiction. I reached my bottom when my drinking was about ready to take my life, blood pressure reaching sky-high, laying in a hospital bed strapped in, alarms sounding ( I was told I could have a stroke any second )....and yet all I could think of was to have just one more swallow of vodka. I know what saved my life, those that took the time to listen, people and resources that were introduced to me, the 12 steps of AA, my higher power ( God ), and people that made it clear that they would not give up on me. There is a woman in Bismarck that is giving back to those that need it, and she's awesome.

Ashley Held is a recovering addict and has committed to herself and others to be there for them in their journey

This is a woman who fought back to get one of her kids back. Here is part of what she wrote on her Facebook page:

"My name is Ashley! So I am an ex-meth addict of 17 years. Have been sober for almost 5 years now! ...I lost the right to my children in foster care in 2018. Two were adopted and now since social services have changed some rules, I have gotten a chance to get my oldest back who wasn't adopted. She's been home with me for over a year now the main reason I am writing this is cause I know there are a lot of mothers who have been experiencing the same, who are about to lose their children, or trying and doing everything to get their children back. I am offering myself and my experiences as support....I want to be able to help whoever I can, guiding them on the correct path! If you or anyone you know, just needs someone REAL and BLUNT for some support, doesn't even just have to be mothers,  or anyone struggling. Send them my way! I hope you all are having a fantastical Monday and look forward to helping!"

I randomly saw what she wrote and immediately I wanted to get a hold of her.

"Don't give up...It's a long HARD road, KEEP AT IT....."

She and I spoke for about 2o minutes on the phone, we have so many things in common, one of them being that we genuinely want to help others. That's exactly what she is doing, every day. Her daughter Madison now lives with her ( she's turning 17 this Friday ) and she is a prime example of one of the gifts of sobriety - gaining your loved ones back.

Ashley Held Facebook
Ashley Held Facebook

Ashley's Daughter Madison

Here is the unfortunate thing, because of her years of meth use and being a diabetic, Ashley lost both of her legs ( Lbka and raka (left below knee, right above knee) - a wheelchair doesn't damper her attitude one bit, she did take a long time to "get her self out there" "Trust others" again, and that is totally understandable. I asked her what she would like others to know - her response was quick - "I want women dealing with social services to know that they are NOT out to get them, they are doing the best they can to help"...She also made sure that everyone going through their demons know to "...Never give up. It's a long HARD road, KEEP AT IT.....I've been in your shoes -  when I had legs ( she added )"

Life is good, the way it should be....
Here is another wonderful thing, her husband Brandon is 61 days sober, and they are there for each other, to turn to when one is weak. Once again, another gift of sobriety. Ashley is a caring person who simply wants to give back, she encourages anyone to reach out through Facebook and find her, trust me, she's worth it.

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