Bismarck’s Forestry Divison Handling The (EES) Pest.
The start of a brand new week here in town, and the City of Bismarck Forestry Division has embarked on an aggressive program to handle the European Elm Scale (EES). This will involve injections into a limited number of trees that were chosen from areas where there are quite a few elm trees gathered.
What exactly is EES? According to planttalk.colostate.edu
"European elm scale is a serious pest of large leaf elms. Elm scale is one of the most widespread, prolific, and destructive insects. Heavy scale infestations cause premature yellowing and shedding of leaves and the killing of twigs and branches."
Planttalk states that these scales produce large amounts of sticky honeydew; infested branches and leaves can become black with sooty mold growth. It also mentions EES is a very difficult pest to control and if left unchecked, large branches will begin to die back and the elm trees will begin to have a significant decline.
The City of Bismarck will perform treatments by trunk injection, directly applying the insecticides into the cambium of the tree. According to the city press release, "This method delivers the product to the target insects, greatly minimizing exposure to non-targeted animal or plant species. Only insects that puncture the trees to feed are subject to this insecticide". For more information on this, you can head over to bismarcknd.gov or call or call 701-355-1700. One of the other dangers that Bismarck faces every year is Dutch Disease, which ends with the removal of approximately 30 Elm trees. Dutch was first detected in North Dakota back in 1969. Dutch elm disease is a wilt disease caused by the fungus Ophiostoma novo-ulmi and only affects trees in the elm family.
Thanks to the efforts of the City of Bismarck Forestry Divison - more trees will be saved.
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