Bismarck’s Gordmans Building Sits Empty, What’s Coming Next?
Gordmans Gone
It was back in May of 2020 when we first heard the store would be closing permanently. 30 jobs lost, and a cult favorite, gone from our community. And.. Bismarck's Gordmans wasn't the only one to close. Fargo, Minot, and Grand Forks also lost their locations.
If you don't know, the Gordmans building sits unoccupied at 1449 East Lasalle Drive, in North Bismarck. It is directly next to Dick's Sporting Goods, and just across the way from a place I frequent way too often, Ulta Beauty.
A Closing, Or... An Opening For Opportunity?
It was once a department store... a place full of women's clothing and now it sits empty, but ripe with opportunity. I can't help but wonder... what will take its place?
I've heard Rumors...
There's 50,000 square feet that need to be filled there, so naturally, we're going to think BIG.
Trader Joe's?
How about Trader Joes?! Could a Trader Joe's be the next big thing to come to Bismarck? (And maybe this is just my wishful thinking) Some have expressed interest in bringing the business to our community. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
Barnes & Noble?
What about Barnes & Noble? They are temporarily set up in the Kirkwood Mall, but could this be the perfect spot for them to take up permanent roots?... and this is just me speculating, but it could quite possibly be an option.
I've also heard people say they would like to see a Cabela's there, buuuut with Dick's Sporting Goods right next door, there might be a bit of a rumble between the two.
Pier One Imports
I would love to see a revival of Pier One. I was so sad when they closed the one we had down in South Bismarck. I'd also accept a Homegoods store.
Ok, hear me out on this...
IKEA. I know the space isn't quite big enough, but I'd settle for a mini one. I need somewhere to aimlessly wander with no plans to buy anything. My weekends are a little light these days.
What would you like to see there? Is there something missing from our community?
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