Can You Answer These North Dakota Jeopardy! Questions?
Alex Trebek asked Jeopardy! contestants these questions about North Dakota. Would you give the right answer?
You would be surprised how many questions on Jeopardy! involve North Dakota. Thanks to j-archive.com, we are able to look up questions about our state and even city! Now it's time to put you to the test. See if you can answer the following questions before looking at the answers below. They are each listed by category.
- 1
Double U, Double V or Double W
In September 2014 there was a United Tribes International one of these held in Bismarck, North Dakota.
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We Love Planet Earth
North Dakota is a leading producer of this low-grade brown coal.
- 3
State Mottoes
North Dakota: "Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and" this.
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Before He Was President
He lived the life of a cowboy on his North Dakota ranch.
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Roadside America
In Jamestown, North Dakota, you can see what is claimed to be the world's largest statue of this animal.
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Legends of the Games
This slugger from Fargo, North Dakota hit 61 home runs in 1961.
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State Parks
North Dakota's Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park was once a fort commanded by this lt. colonel from 1873 to 1876.
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North Dakota
North Dakota banished these coin-eaters from their streets in the 1940s; attempts to reinstate them have failed.
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North Dakotans
In 1971, his autobiography, "Wunnerful, Wunnerful!" became an instant best seller.
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The Dakotas
Now a North Dakota city, this junction of 2 rivers was called "Les Grandes Fourches" by French traders
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