Chmielewski’s Christmas Light Display to End Due to Angry Neighbor
Chmielewski's Christmas Corner, one of the few extravagant light displays in Bismarck is coming to an end.
According to a post on Facebook, the owners of the light display said that over the years, neighbors have been very supportive of their light display.
However a new neighbor isn't as fond of the light show as the other neighbors.
Generally our display stays on until about 11pm weeknights and approximately midnight on weekends for people to stop by and enjoy. Unfortunately we have a new neighbor in our area who is not impressed by any of it and we have to start shutting down by 11 each night. She has complained and we have been informed we can’t leave the lights on any later. Our other neighbors have been very supportive over the years which has been very nice but it only takes 1 person to ruin it for others. We wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy and safe new year!
From that post it seemed like a compromise to their neighbor that the light show would end at 11pm. This would allow residents to still enjoy the display but still allow the neighbor to be satisfied.
But in a subsequent Facebook post, they seemed to imply the light display would no longer happen.
Christmas has always been my favorite holiday, It brings people together , it reminds people of the reason for the season ! Family , and time to spend treasured memories with our loved ones Our intentions where never to annoy and ruin anyone's peace, and have gone out of our way to try to do our best for all the neighbors , we do not want to be a disturbance, and always did our display for everyone to enjoy, when it is brought to our attention that this is no longer the case it no longer becomes a blessing then it's time to end a tradition. We Want to thank everyone for there support and wish you all a very merry Christmas
Many commenters on the Facebook post don't seem pleased with the new neighbor's request.
Of course it's hard to know what the feeling is like to live near an extravagant display like that unless you actually live that experience.
The full situation is also unclear. Is it the bright lights that make it hard to sleep? Is it all the people coming to view the lights that may be making excessive noise?
If a set of blackout shades can solve the problem, the community could probably come together and get the neighbor some shades. But we don't know the full story so it's unfair to speculate.
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