Fargo Restaurant – Sign On Bathroom Door Offends Customer.
A Fargo, North Dakota business has stirred some emotions just recently, one in particular. According to Valleynewslive, a small restaurant - Luna Fargo - has offended a customer with a sign on their bathroom door reading "Whichever". They received an e-mail from a gentleman who came in to have dinner over the weekend. “I took a date to Luna Saturday night and needed to use the restroom and noted that the traditional male female signs had been replaced by “wichever” on both doors. I find this totally offensive and my date chose not to use the restroom.” He went on to say that he would never come back and that they would lose out on his colleagues business as well. Now, in my opinion, this was actually a good thing for Luna. One thing I found out about working at a job that deals with the public, is that the worst thing that can happen is "word of mouth" - When an angry customer leaves without saying anything, yet tells everyone he or she knows negative things about your business. This causes a ripple effect and it can be extremely damaging.
So Luna takes matters into their own hands, Monday afternoon, they took to social media with a post that addressed the complainant - "Dear Sir, We here at Luna take all customer complaints very seriously. That is why we thought it was only right to save you the trouble of exposing us on social media, and just going ahead and doing it ourselves... (Click here for the whole post)
Whether what Luna Fargo did in response to the complaint on social media was smart or not, they at least made some kind of effort to defend themselves. Only time will tell if they see a decrease in business because of it.
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