Before this morning I had never heard of "Tip Baiting"

It's funny how life goes, some people can go years without hearing a certain phrase or knowing how cruel and insulting some people can be. I'll give you an example - have you ever heard of "Tip Baiting"? Let's break that down real quick. I assumed it was about "Tipping" (money) - a way of showing thanks. "Bait" is described by Oxford Languages "deliberately annoy or taunt (someone)"  -  People use the tool of "Tip Baiting" for the direct purpose of having the opportunity to "take back a tip".

This is just flat-out cheap

So this morning a guy came into our radio station to pick up a prize he won and told me all about this cheap skate move - he drivers groceries for Walmart - and customers order on the website and use their credit card - and the driver shows up, the delivery is paid, and hopefully they drive away knowing they did a quick thorough job and in the process received a nice tip - for their attitude and service. Check this out - "Tip Bait" actually gives the customer an option - and in my opinion, to pull a classless maneuver. described it this way "Spark (Walmart) delivery allows customers to tip bait. The customer can easily put a tip on the order and then take it away after you deliver it. Should this be legal?" 

The only thing I can agree on is...

...that if you DID tip, and your groceries were delivered rudely, then I can see WHY you would think about taking your tip back. I love how my engineer at work calls it "SMARMY" ( Look it up :) )


Things You'd Find in Every 90s Home Back in the Day

The tell-tale signs of a home in the '90s.

Gallery Credit: Danielle Kootman

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