In Bismarck – Can You Guess What THIS Is Going To Be?
This is the amazing thing about progress, and I know that some people don't think Bismark and Mandan need it...
...but it seemed like forever that the empty parking lot which was almost across the street from Cash Wise on Expressway was always destined to be empty. It seemed like just yesterday that I drove over there and took a couple of pics - wondering IF Bismarck did want to fill that loneliness, what would be the best fit for all of us?
The debate was on, what does Bismarck need in this town?
We always wanted a Chic-fil-A, and the comments from so many were overwhelming, THEN, before you knew it right there in the Kirkwood Mall "If you build it they will come", and WE DID, and still do. The times are a little bit different these days as far as progress is concerned, people complain that we don't support our local businesses enough and that is the reason why so many places have shut down for good - but that's not the main reason, it's because they don't seem to have enough employees to run things properly. Once again it seemed like YESTERDAY when it was announced that the empty land was going to be quite busy one day soon: This was taken back in October...
So...if you blinked an eye since then and missed it, check out the progress that the new neighbor, Tommy's Express car wash, is making
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