In Minnesota – “Buy Me Some Peanuts…AND A Wedding Ring??”
Ahh, gotta love the traditions of America's Favorite Pastime...
...let us count the many ways of experiencing Major League Baseball - "Buy me some peanuts and crackerjack, I don't care If I ever never get back..." How many times have you found yourself standing during the seventh-inning stretch and singing along to the famous "Take Me Out To The Ball" song? I have failed to mention the many times we have all watched a well-known celebrity walk out to the mound to throw out the first pitch - most of the time though the ball finally reaches the catcher after bouncing about 60 times. Doesn't matter, it's all part of the fun.
Try and imagine back in the old days when there wasn't such a thing as a huge scoreboard - a jumbotron...
...whatever you want to call the enormous screen that entertains you with statistics, videos, players' profiles, AND of course the good old-fashioned Kiss CAMS. Well, one of life's magical moments was captured for all of the fans who were at Target Field over the weekend....we all held our breath for a second or two. According to kfyrtv.com "Back in May, Randall reached out to the Twins to set this surprise up. Kauk is a huge Twins fan, so he knew the perfect proposal needed some planning" So...enough of the suspense, did she say "Yes"? Take a look:
"Bismarck couple Michaela Kauk and Jay Randall got engaged!" She had a hunch that the moment was coming but didn't know when or how. You never know what you will see at the ballpark!
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