Experience The Thrill Of Crossing North Dakota’s Longest Bridge
Bridges have been in the news of late for all the wrong reasons.
If your stomach gets a little queasy like mine when it comes to heights, you might want to avoid North Dakota's longest bridge. It's nearly one mile long and over water for a good share of it.
I remember my first time driving over this bridge when I was driving my son to a hockey game coming from Minot and going to Watford City. It was icy out that November afternoon and I was "white knuckle" the whole way.
I have to admit, I have a love-hate relationship with heights. I'm kind of a daredevil despite being terrified of heights. Even the top of a 6-foot ladder can turn my stomach upside down.
However, I'm usually the first person to seek out a roller coaster at an amusement park. I love to fly despite my fear of heights. In fact, I'm pretty sure I missed my calling as a commercial airline pilot, as I can sit in the airport and watch planes take off and land for hours.
I even live right in the flight line of all the planes that land at the Bismarck Airport. It's fun to watch the planes hover over my neighborhood when I'm on one of my daily runs with my pups.
Getting back to North Dakota's longest bridge.
(Sorry, I got sidetracked) It's none other than the Four Bears Bridge near New Town, North Dakota.
According to ND Tourism, design honors go to 19 tribal chiefs of the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara Indian tribes. This bridge spans nearly 1 mile over Lake Sakakawea.
North Dakota's longest bridge is also very scenic.
By North Dakota standards anyway. You've probably driven over it on a casino or concert run. If you've never checked out the Four Bears Bridge before it's worth a look. #NorthDakotaLegendary
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Gallery Credit: Jennnifer Billock