Lars Ulrich Comments on Sexual Assaults in Entertainment Industry
Recent weeks have seen Hollywood grappling with a wave of revelations regarding unsavory behavior on the part of some of its biggest stars and most powerful people — and the way Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich sees it, this is likely just the opening wave of an era in which powerful abusers are forced to face their victims in a public forum.
The subject came up during a recent interview with Vanity Fair digital director Mike Hogan, which you can watch above — and without getting into details, Ulrich seemed to indicate sexual assault and harassment were just as much of a problem in the record business as they are in the film industry, or perhaps any other professional entertainment field. As the fallout continues to grow from the scandals enveloping Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey, Ulrich predicted that this marks a watershed moment for the way society treats victims of sexual predators.
"Everywhere is going to have a reckoning," said Ulrich. "I think the great thing is that we're in the first inning of this, and, obviously, it's long overdue."
Most importantly, argued Ulrich, are the growing signs that those who've been victimized can count on a significant degree of public support after stepping forward. "I think that it's a great, great thing that everybody is standing up and that everybody — no matter what gender they are — feels safe in talking about their experiences," he added. "As a victim in any kind of situation, that you don't feel that you have to carry it yourself, that you have a platform and that you can feel safe in there."