Talk about going down bigly.

The Bismarck Tribune is reporting that Tuesday's search warrant executed at an East Arbor Avenue apartment in Bismarck brought in a pretty hefty collection of cash, contraband, and firearms.

There were rifles, shotguns, and handguns on site.  Many were semi-automatic and had loaded magazines.

It was an eclectic selection that made this easy on the arrest but tough on the paperwork. The Tribune lists the items found on the affidavit...

they found marijuana packaged in 1-pound bags; more than 400 containers of THC-infused liquid; a pound of THC concentrate; nearly 1,000 vaping cartridges; a scale and packaging materials; and $58,362 in cash. The bars labeled with a Girl Scouts logo were infused with the psychedelic drug compound psilocybin and THC

I don't think the Girl Scout logo much increases the penalty but it sure ups the creepiness of the stash. Along with the items listed above, there was a variety of firearms confiscated including one that was allegedly stolen.

If prosecuted this will not end well for suspect Chance Stevenson.

Stevenson is being charged with three drug felonies and a felony charge for possessing a stolen firearm. He certainly was a hero to the four other individuals who were in the home at the time of the search warrant execution.  According to the affidavit, he is said to have taken responsibility for any and all criminal activity.

Mighty bigly of him.

I forgot how much I miss that "word".  Chance made his first court appearance on Wednesday. I'm guessing if convicted he could go away for a decade or so, we'll see come trial time.

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