Mandan Court Day
After getting caught driving with a suspended license, I had to go to court... Here's what happened.
What looked like a pretty serious ordeal actually turned out to be not that. Sitting in Mandan Court today with the possibility of a $1500 fine and 4 days in jail hanging over my head for driving with a suspended license I realized how good I had it compared to others.
The Judge was very reasonable and seemed like she understood situations in life more than other judges I've faced in the past (all motor vehicle offenses).
There were other suspensions there like me, but everyone had a different situation to deal with and it seemed that each one got a favorable sentence after explaining their situation. Luckily, my case got dismissed.
Moving forward checking the abstract driving record every couple of months wouldn't hurt, because in this town, man they don't mess around.
I do feel bad for the guy that was too drunk and went to the wrong house thinking it was his friend's house. Kind of a funny story though.
Going to court is scary nonetheless
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