The Best Colleges in North Dakota Ranked by Their Party Scene
North Dakota colleges are known for their outstanding academic and athletic opportunities. However, it wouldn't really be college without the party scene (sorry mom).
As long as I can remember, the University of North Dakota has been known for its partying. I should also mention that they are known for having one of the top colleges for nursing, as well as a super successful hockey program. Niche.com noted each college's access to bars and student reviews to create the list of best party schools. UND falls into second place.
Check out the best colleges in North Dakota ranked by their party scenes below. I have to admit, I'm pretty proud to be an Alumna of the number one party school in North Dakota.
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North Dakota State University
Overall, NDSU received an A- for their party scene. 34% of students said there were plenty of party options Wednesday through Saturday. 50% said there were also decent house and frat parties. The biggest party event of the year? The FCS Championship game, of course.
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University of North Dakota
The University also received an A- for their party scene. They dropped a little below NDSU because only 38% of students said there were decent frat and house parties on the weekends. UND's biggest party event? Definitely Springfest. If you've never been, you need to experience it at least once.
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University of Jamestown
The University of Jamestown received a B for their party scene with no student poll information. However, if you've ever been to Jamestown for the St. Patrick's Day Pub Crawl, you know they don't mess around.
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Dickinson State University
Dickinson State received a B- for their party scene.
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Mayville State University
Mayville State may be an unlikely choice for the #5 spot, but they received a B- for their party scene. 50% of students said there were decent frat and house parties on the weekends.
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Minot State University
Minot State University also gets a B-, but only 24% said they have decent parties on the weekends. Homecoming is a huge deal in Minot. If you ever have the chance to go, do it!
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University of Mary
The University of Mary comes in last with a C. I have to admit, I had a lot of friend attend U Mary and there wasn't a whole lot going on party wise. Only 4% of students said there was a decent party scene on the weekends. However, 50% agreed that the foam dance is the biggest event of the year.
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