5 Places In ND Santa Claus Will Not Be Going To On X-Mas Eve
Are you getting ready for the big day? Not the OTHER big day ( The grand opening of Chick-Fil-A in Bismarck has happened already). I'm talking about Christmas of course
I'm guessing by now your Christmas tree is up and decorated? Are all the stockings prominently displayed? Our very own Dolly Dakota from our sister station Cool 98.7 came in and made our lobby look beautiful, with the traditional tree greeting all of our guests that come by our studios - 12th floor ( elevator still busted ) 4303 Memorial Hwy on the strip here in Mandan. She even hung all of our stockings on our studio door ( mine was misspelled by the way )
So, the big question is, what will you have for Santa to nibble on when he delivers his presents to your house?
My mom always had a huge bowl of cookies and a glass of milk set up for Santa, on the kitchen table, when we all went to sleep on Christmas eve. Do you have the same tradition at your house? Heck, maybe you leave him a nice juicy steak or a six-pack of beer, whatever works best right? Unfortunately this year Santa has some bad news for some people.
Even Santa Claus has a few places he refuses to set his boots at
As much as we all know THE BIG MAN is very busy, traveling all across the country, there are a few places he will not go to ( and one place he has been ORDERED not to go to ) - Check them out for yourself
5 North Dakota Places Santa Claus Will Not Stop By On Christmas Eve
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