Bismarck’s Carson Wentz – Soon To Add To His Backfield
One of Bismarck's favorite quarterbacks of all time is about ready to add a member to his backfield...
...first of all, let's break down what a "Backfield" is, according to merriam-webster.com - " back·field ˈbak-ˌfēld. : the football players whose positions are behind the line of scrimmage" There you have it. Now that I have made it simple for the millions of die-hard football fans out there to understand, NOW let's talk about Carson Wentz - a Century High School alumni, a superstar at North Dakota State, and most importantly a down-to-earth family man who is thrilled, along with his wife Madison to announce a new addition coming soon: Check out what he posted on his Instagram page:
"We're so grateful that God has blessed us with...
another GIRL coming soon!
Can't wait to see all the adventures that lie ahead for these girlies and how quickly dad can lose his hair 🙃
But in all seriousness, we're so excited to meet this little one and thankful for all the support we have!"
Soon another baby girl will be joining the Carson Wentz family...
...her other sisters Hudson Rose, 20 months, and Hadley Jane 3, are eagerly awaiting her arrival. So here is my question for all you Carson Wentz HATERS - first though take a long look at the two above pictures, Carson is a family man through and through - he modestly donates a ton of his free time to be at charity events in North Dakota - He is not guarded what-so-ever, meaning he is easily approachable. He knows where it all started for him, right here in Bismarck. He deserves another chance in football and in your hearts.....NOW can YOU give him another chance?
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