This crazy year of 2020, filled with coronavirus victims alive and dead. So far we have seen businesses closed for good, others have fought through these last insane 2 months, and have tried their best to adapt to the new health codes and have adopted curb-side-to-go. We've also seen sports, high school, college, and pro teams completely idle. These are uncertain times we are experiencing, that much is CERTAIN. However, one shining light is our rich traditions -  such as graduation - has continued. To honor and love our kids, while they are in their cap and gown is one of the most cherished memories you'll have in your lifetime. Somehow someway ingenuity has come up big during the pandemic days. No Way, No How are we going to completely cancel graduation - That was made apparent in Minot last Friday night. The grandstands welcomed immediate family only, and the seniors were outdoors and ready to heave their caps in post-ceremony. The splattering applause continued as each senior was announced, and then Michael Fenner's name was heard - followed by an emotional minute and a half-standing ovation. The 18-year-old was struck and killed by a hit and run driver last Wednesday night.

When someone's life is cut short, it's a message for all of us. We shake our heads, some cry out loud, others hold it in - everyone has their way of dealing with heartache and pain. A young man's life taken away in a sudden moment should be a reminder to everyone to live each day as best you can. To take what you have and be grateful, so many times we take for granted everyday things, breathing in the fresh air after a rainstorm just passed, a hug from your mom, or even throwing the football around with your dad. I wish for strength and peace for the Fenner family who lost a loved one, and lastly hope that Michael - high above us in heaven - heard the warmth from Minot down below. Click here to watch the video from KMOT.

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