“Great Gift Giveaway” Today In Mandan!
We had a lovely visit from Santa recently, he stopped by our radio station with a HUGE red sack. After fishing around for some cookies and milk, he let us all know that he brought 300 presents ( not one of them was for me darn it ). "Ho Ho Ho, make sure you radio folks give these to all the children that have nice this year, I've been watching, don't you know?" With that, he sauntered off and got into his sled and took off into the skies ( I didn't mind one bit scooping up Rudolph's dropping ).
SO beginning at 5 p.m this afternoon, The Mandan Progress Organization, volunteers, and Santa Claus and his faithful elves will greet you at drive-thru toy giveaway. The gifts will be given out curbside style. Drivers are asked to enter the parking lot west of Hirsh Florist & Gifts - 211 W Main St. and will exit from in front of The Depot. Volunteers will be onsite to help direct traffic. B-Fish from US 103-3 and myself will be out there supplying some Christmas music cheer.
Even the grown-ups will receive a treat - a flyer that includes details about the Candy Caravan, a nifty 2021 Mandan Community Calendar, and a candy cane that could be worth $10 in Mandan Bucks! "Children get their treats on Thursday ( Today ) and we encourage adults to come back to town on Saturday for theirs" said Executive Director Dot Frank. From 205 pm this Saturday - the MPO is hosting a Candy Caravan.
Let's all enjoy this special time of year, and put some smiles on the children's faces, and YOURS too!
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