Ahhh The SIGHTS of our very own Bismarck/Mandan

NOW, If I would attempt to put together a gallery of some sorts, on the SIGHTS of Bismarck/Mandan, this would be fairly easy, right? We have so many awesome places to choose from, some of which we take for granted almost every day. Some of us see the Missouri River every day, and yet we hardly take a second to just marvel at its beauty. If you are out and about on foot, obviously much easier to notice things that we wouldn't if we were riding in a car. Walking along the river's edge and gazing across to the railway bridge with a train just making its way over, just feels so relaxing.

NOW let's get to the SOUNDS of our very own Bismarck/Mandan

I pointed out several positive things earlier, now let's get to a few negative scenarios that most of us here in Bismarck/Mandan can relate to ( I think ) - Here are some sounds that might drive you nuts, for me there are several. Some ( well only one ) are my own personal taste, which you probably will disagree with. Sounds are quite different than sights. Sure an image will stick in your brain for quite some time, but sounds can trigger memories of awful times, they can cause your spine to tingle in horror. AWFUL sounds can echo through your head and bounce around like a ping-pong ball in the wind. Sure you can TRY and cover your ears, but once you hear THAT sound, you're doomed:


The 5 Awful Sounds In Bismarck/Mandan

Covering Your Ears Won't Help




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