Hey BisMan – Is This Rubbish OR Not?
When I moved to ND back in 2014, there were a ton of things I had no clue about - one of the mysteries to me was WHY Windshield wipers were UP.
First of all, if I tell you I'm from San Diego, California, right away you'll no doubt nod your head in agreement with my opening sentence in this article. You see, I had never seen snow fall out of the sky, let alone walk in it. Those of you that are from North Dakota and Minnesota may find that amusing, however, on the flip side to that there are many that have never seen the ocean - but that's obviously a whole different topic. As green ( rookie ) as I was, people were so wonderful looking after me, getting me prepared for the wrath of Mother Nature - out here. I never knew that it was a MUST to have a survival kit in my car ( coming from California I thought "Survival" meant a jack and a spare ) - I am proud to say NOW, that I know blankets, a full tank of gas, batteries, water etc could possibly save your life if you found yourself stranded off the road. The one peculiar thing I noticed during the winter was that so many cars out here had their windshield wipers UP when they were parked.
So...have they been wrong this whole time?
"Listen, the reason WHY people have their wipers UP is so they won't freeze to your windshield" - ok, that makes sense...But so does this:
According to twistedsifter.com you are doing more HARM than good."...wipers aren’t built to stand up that way. The blades are designed to withstand pressure from the front, and without the support of the windshield on the other side, they could be too weak to withstand even a moderately strong gust of wind. The result could be damage to the plastic gearing that keeps the tools in place." Well, do they have a better suggestion? An old rug or tarp might be better.
Will you think twice now next time you approach your wipers?
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