How The Coronavirus Affects North Dakota.
Welcome to the year 2020, where it's common place now to see people wearing surgical masks in public. The reason for this fashion statement is the coronavirus. This deadly virus was virtually unheard of.
At the end of December, public health officials from China informed the World Health Organization that they had a problem: an unknown new virus-coronavirus. How can this virus come into play way out here in North Dakota? A sporting goods store in Minot and here in Bismarck-Duffy's Hockey and Sports- has been serving our communities with gear pertaining to hockey etc. Owner Duffy Doubek relies on China for most of his equipment he sells.
The virus has put a restraint on Duffy's, Doubek says most of his orders have already been processed for the season, but retailers in the electronic and auto industries say the coronavirus, combined with recent tariffs places on Chinese goods, have made it more difficult to import products from the country. The coronavirus unfortunately shows no signs of slowing down-As of today the World Health Organization reports more than 79,000 cases found around the globe. For more on this story click here.