Legacy Choir Spring “Rock” Concert May 18th!
How glorious does it feel that life is coming back to semi-normal! We just got the word from cdc.gov
- Update that fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear a mask or physically distance in any setting, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance
What perfect timing now that summer is just around the corner. Professional sports is almost at full capacity now for fans to come out to the stadium or arena. There is music in the air once again! Concerts are being scheduled. With that, I want to tell you an awesome event this is happening on May 18th:
7:30 pm in the Legacy Haussler Gymnasium -
- The 9th Grade Choir will open the evening with a variety of rock, pop, and Broadway selections.
- The Concert Choir & Prep Choirs will combine to present a 30 minute Queen medley, complete with rock band and lights.
- A slideshow featuring our seniors will begin at approximately 7:20 pm.
- The Call time for the singers is 6:45 pm.
- The doors will also open at 6:45 pm.
- Admission for this concert will be $5 for adults & $3 for students (K-12).
- As of this time, we have no audience limitations. Tell everyone you know!!
- Due to copyright restrictions, we will not be live streaming this concert
One movie comes to mind when I think of young kids playing their heart out with all kinds of music genre - "School Of Rock"
I can't think of anything more AWESOME than this!
The 40 Best Cover Songs by Rock Bands
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