Minot’s “Fair Food Festival” An Excellent Alternative!
Last year at this time in Minot, the North Dakota State Fair came and went. The usual traditional fair food was gobbled up with great delight, all the exhibits, booths, entertainment was enjoyed by all. Then 2020 rolled around, as we entered March everything went haywire. The coronavirus crept in and dismantled everything that was normal in our world. Unfortunately, this year's NDSF was cancelled - "Oh no, what will we do now? said all of the fair food lovers. A brilliant idea was formed!
Yesterday, at THE SPOT - "The Fair Food Festival" kicked off. To those that are unfamiliar with THE SPOT in Minot, it is a huge pool hall with a bar and loads of cool things to do INSIDE, Sherry McGlaughlin ( owner ) suggested that their parking lot would be ideal for vendors who normally would be at the fair, to set up right there. All your fair favorites were there - Kettle corn, cotton candy, snow cones. The festival goes through this weekend, and for many of the vendors, it is a huge thing, for many of them rely on the fair to show off what they have, to promote anything they need to, and who provide a unique service that only the fair can do justice to. A perfect marriage for all, as the regular fair visitors now can enjoy what they so look forward to every summer, and the vendors can receive some love once again. Just a quick memo to the billiard players inside at THE SPOT - Fried 8-balls are NOT on available. For more on this story click here.
Not Making The Most Of Being At Home
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