Aurora Borealis Beer-fest Coming to Bismarck Event Center
As we get into Octoberfest season, it's nice to have a good old-fashioned beer fest!
The Beer Fest is coming to the Bismarck events Center next Friday the 21st and some of the Local breweries that will be involved in this one include:
The great thing about these fests after having been to a bunch is the opportunity to try new styles of beer. Most breweries bring their mainstays but always have a small batch beer available to please all the beer geeks/ beer critics. Those small-batch kegs could be anything. A new stout, a high abv IPA or even a nice creative Belgian style beer.
Understanding what you're drinking and what style you are into is also important. Going through a beer fest knowing that you are not an IPA guy would make things easier and more efficient when you visit the breweries which in turn, allows you to drink more beer!
If you want to purchase tickets click here