
The Bismarck ordinance was passed Thursday night to allow vehicles that originally were restricted to country roads to be allowed ton main roads. Those vehicles were already allowed on the streets of Mandan, but now Bismarck has finally followed suit;

According to KFYR:

The ordinance allows vehicles that the state classifies as a class 3 Off-Highway Vehicle. They weigh less than 8,000 pounds, drive on tracks or four wheels, and a minimum width of 50 inches. They are not allowed on highways that are posted at higher than 55 miles per hour.

The ordinance also states the following:

"1. To operate an OHV on city streets, the OHV must be equipped with all of the following:

a. one mirror on the driver side and one mirror on the passenger side;

b. a horn;

c. a speedometer;

d. two tail/brake lights;

e. two headlights;

f. a motor of at least 550 cubic centimeters;

g. a factory installed roll cage;

h. turn signals on the front and rear of the vehicle;

i. factory installed suspension; and

j. a metal license plate centered on the rear of the vehicle, with a license plate light."

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