Guess How Much $ ND Has Spent On Electronic Pull Tabs This Year
Let me ask you this, are you the type of person that seems to WIN all the time at the electronic pull-tab machines?
In my mind, there are two types of people. Those that NEVER seem to win no matter how much money they spend, and then the aggravating ones who seldom play, but when they do, they ALWAYS win. Not everyone however has the luxury to gamble $5 or $10 bucks from time to time. How often do you try your luck? Judging by the statistics, North Dakotans enjoy the challenge.
Electronic pull tabs will lure you in with hopes of a big payout
Every state is different when it comes to gambling laws. According to KFYR-TV in North Dakota "Lawmakers approved the games in 2017, but they were not launched until August 2018" These machines have certainly taken off, and seem to be everywhere, more than 3,500 spread out through over 700 sires. So if you are just an average pull tabber ( if that is an accurate word ), do you have any guesses on how much all of North Dakota has spent on electronic pull tabs for this year? Tab your wildest stab at it, you won't even get close.
If you guessed in the millions you are way off
Heck, maybe you LOST millions this past year. KFYR-TV reported "State data shows North Dakotans poured more than $1.3 billion into electronic pull tab machines in the fiscal year 2021, nearly double the amount spent in the previous fiscal year. Let me repeat that, $1.3 BILLION.
I hope this story inspires you to get out there and WIN a piece of the pie ( and what kind of pie would that be anyway?)
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