In BisMan -“Sign, Sign, Everywhere A Sign.. (Will Be Taken Down)
Sorry If I have you humming along to that classic rock song "Signs"
Sign, sign Everywhere a sign, Blocking' out the scenery, Breakin' my mind, Do this, don't do that, Can't you read the sign? Those are just a few lyrics from the song Signs by a group called the Five Man Electrical Band - I never really gave it much thought to just how many signs we come across every day here in Bismarck and Mandan. Well if you feel so bold to actually put out a sign on city property - you will soon find it swiftly taken away, by the city.
I'm sure you are aware of this, but just to make sure....
This is nothing new, I assure you, but here is the skinny on the issue of the signs, from our city itself: "Bismarck ordinance prohibits placing any advertising upon any public building, bridge, fence, railing, sidewalk, or any public property. The posting of any sign, handbill, poster, or placard upon public boulevards is expressly prohibited. This means if you are having a rummage sale you can put the sign on your own yard, but no signs on the boulevard, boulevard trees, stop signs, light poles, fire hydrants, traffic signals, or any other public property" So why would I bring this up today? Well, I saw a post on the Bismarck People Reporting News Group Facebook page that showed a picture of a couple of city workers approaching and about ready to take down signs, Making a clear reminder to everyone that you just can't put a sign anywhere you want, now you can write a song about it though...
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