Let’s ALL Take The Polar Plunge In Bismarck To Help Raise Money
Have you ever heard that sarcastic saying "Hey go jump in the lake"?
That's usually delivered from someone who is hurling an insult at you, well here in Bismarck, on April 23rd, we want everyone to "go plunge in the river" This is an awesome event for everyone involved. This is wide open for all ages, and you can either come and participate or just simply watch and cheer on others. The best thing about it is that you are helping raise money for the Special Olympics. The Polar Plunge is a nationwide event, Grand Forks had their turn last Saturday and recorded 85 plungers, WE know Bismarck can surpass that number.
Where: The Pier Bar and Grill ( 1120 Riverwood Dr. )
Perfect place for this to happen. Right there at their own private dock, once you have taken the plunge into the 30 degrees river, you can go in and dry off inside the Pier Bar and Grill. I had a chance to talk to Kevin Arthaud this morning. He is the administrator at Bismarck Transition Center. He reflected on his days back in 2007, in Jamestown when they started the Polar Plunge at the reservoir, the extra cold way, by removing 3 by 6- foot blocks of ICE, and hopping in.
Some cool key things to know:
When: Saturday, April 23rd
To Register NOW: www.specialolympicsnd.org
Plunge Registration - 30 minutes before your plunge time.
Polar Plunge Start: 12:30
Plunge awards ceremony / Meal - Immediately following all the plunges
Check this out, you can jump solo, or you can have a whole team get together. The main goal is to just raise as much money as possible. According to the press release from Special Olympics North Dakota "Participants collect pledges from friends, family, and the community for the opportunity to jump into freezing water. To have the privilege to plunge, participants raise a minimum of $75, which covers the entry fee and the Polar Plunge first incentive prize" There are also other contests, such as Best Costume, Youngest Plunger, Most Money raised by a team, AND there is even a prize for the Best Belly Flop! The bottom line is this, whether you want to take a refreshing dip into the Missouri River, or just come out and cheer on your family, friends, neighbors - Let's all come together and have a fun time for a terrific cause! To sum up my phone call with Kevin, I asked him what his favorite part of this whole day will be, you see he will have the honor of plunging first - his reply was "...climbing out of the water, and then sitting back and watching everyone else" No doubt he will do this with a huge smile and a great feeling of helping the Special Olympics North Dakota. We'll see you there!