Minot Police Called In: Student Brought A Weapon To School
One of the scariest things a parent can hear
I am not a parent, but I can only imagine the fear parents go through when they hear of a weapon brought to their kid's school. A trillion thoughts of worry I'm sure go racing through their minds. For the most part, a child may have brought it in to either show off or just put it somewhere outside the school limit, for reasons unknown.
Minot Police Department investigated a report of a weapon
On Minot Police Departments's Facebook page yesterday, they posted a brief announcement of a report they took in, regarding a student bringing in a weapon to Central Campus. Minot Police Department went on to say "A weapon was located outside of school property and a juvenile was referred to Juvenile Court for possession of a dangerous weapon" This would sure to be a question most parents would ask next, "Why bring a weapon to school?"
There is absolutely no excuse why a student would carry a weapon to school or even near the school grounds.
Parents should be concerned after they heard the announcement, and ask for the reason why, why did a student feel the need to bring a weapon anywhere close to school. In this day and age, we should all be extra careful and heed any signs of concern, the Minot Police Department made sure to ease any worries for parents by saying "We have no reason to believe there is any further danger to the public"
Thanks to the quick response of Minot Police, Parents were able to breathe easier
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