North Dakota Drivers Do THIS And Out-Of-Towners Hate It
Traffic in North Dakota is pretty light, overall. That said, I will agree with anyone who says going North or South on Washington at any point of the day is nothing short of a painful experience.
What is that 25 mph speed limit? 35 mph seems doable, in my opinion.
If you're on the interstate in North Dakota, you don't have to worry about an abundance of traffic; that's rarely, if ever, a thing.
With it being so laid back, many of us North Dakotans get a little lazy with our driving.
I only bring this up because someone who had recently moved here brought it to my attention. For the record, yes, I also do this.
That's the thing. North Dakota drivers don't see it as a passing lane, because honestly there are hardly ever any cars to pass on the interstate.
We just like to la-dee-da in whatever lane we choose. We love options.
Keep in mind, I'm not hating on this practice, but rather, pointing out the anger it brings to others passing through.
I recall driving near St. Louis; it is actually insane. You really do need those lanes clear for passing only. --There are so many semi-trucks on those roads, and for the most part, you want to get around and away from them as quickly as possible.
Should We Care?
Maybe. Probably... but to each their own, I always say.
That said, I am pretty sure it is a law to use that as a passing lane only.
So, if you are a risky devil, carry on good sir. However, if you wish to be more considerate and want to eliminate the risk of a a ticket, I'd slide over.
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