Sorry-Bismarck’s Goodwill Won’t Accept These 7 Items ( Gallery )
I have to be honest with you, I never really thought about this before this morning
This seems to be a staple all across the world, Goodwill stores - as a matter of fact, according to wikipedia.org back in 2021 there was a report of 4,245 thrift stores around the globe. Founded back in 1902, in Boston Massachusetts, this chain has done wonderful things for so many people - designed to help people with a variety of items at a low cost - I have visited many stores looking for clothes that are almost new and yet won't break my wallet.
One of the strengths of Goodwill stores is the community and being a resource for people and groups to donate items. Many people believe that "You can find anything you need at Goodwill" - I started thinking...are there items that Goodwill won't take? So I made a phone call to our Bismarck Goodwill location. Here are 7 things That Bismarck's Goodwill WON'T Accept:
1) Exercise Equipment
Stationary bikes, along that line, they can't take, however, I did see this picture on their Facebook page - dated 2017 - SO just curious if THIS went out to anyone...
2) Broken Down Furniture
So this to me is pretty much no-brainer - broken down furniture are best reserved for Spring clean-up week! Plus I'm pretty sure all the loose chain is long gone from in between the beat-up cushions.
3) Used Cars
Well now THIS makes obvious sense to me, after all they are not a car lot, once such person actually dropped off a USED CAR to be donated, but it never happened - who knows if iot was stolen or not.
4) Appliances
I was told anything pretty much anything bigger than a microwave oven as far as appliances are concerned, they will turn you away ( Especially if it has like Green Bay Packers magnets on the door )
5) Christmas Trees
Yep, all the other X-mas fun stuff you can probably find at Goodwill, but NOT a X-Mas Tree - ( Not even the fake white ones )
6) Ex-Wives OR Husbands
Ok look, I understand, you just went through a bitter separation, then divorce. As much as your friends might be encouraging you ABSOLUTEY WITHOUT HESITATION DONATE YOUR EX-HUSBAND OR EX-WIFE
7) Adult Sex Toys
Maybe the batteries that are left inside, but surely not ....the ...ummm..rabbit
So there you have it, just a simple check list, if you will, of items you WON"T be able to drop off at Bismarck's Goodwill
KEEP READING: Check out these totally awesome '80s toys
Gallery Credit: Angela Underwood
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