7 Things You’ll Only Understand If You Are From North Dakota
I obviously never would have given this much thought 9 years ago...
...but it's so true. Like every State I guess, North Dakota has its ways of doing things, its ways of life so to speak. I mean in California, you come to expect to see ugly Hawaiian shirts and people feasting on fish tacos while sipping on a Corona beer. I am from San Diego, California and it will be 9 years this March since I moved to Fargo. I feel qualified enough to bring you this list I have observed. I'm sure you have many more to add to this:
*** Here Are 7 Things You'll Only Understand If You Are From North Dakota ***
1) "Take Your Shoes Off Before You Come Inside"
Ok listen, I get it. Weather can be slushy, streets full of snow and dirt - the last thing someone wants when they invite you over is for you to drag half of Bismarck's sludge onto their flush comfy white carpet.
2) UNLIKE the movie 'Fargo' hardly any North Dakotan owns a wood chipper
It's true. From Fargo to Minot, to Bismarck, everywhere I have lived I have nonchalantly asked around if I could "Borrow their wood chipper for like a minute"...and nobody has one.
3) MOST North Dakotans HATE The Green Bay Packers
Pretty accurate I would say. I had an ex-roommate in Fargo that absolutely despises Aaron Rodgers AND the Packers.
4) When It's 40 Degrees ( On The Plus Side ) Outside In Early February It's Like A Parade - People Come Outside!
So true - I don't really need to go into great detail on this, but when we go through a week straight of temps below 0, then if we are lucky the winds will calm down and it will stay around 10-15 degrees for a couple of weeks - This past Saturday was 40 degrees and it was time to celebrate life!
5) Motorcycle Riders Have The Right To Wear OR Not To Wear A Helmet
If you are over the age of 18 it is NOT against the law to ride a motorcycle without a helmet.
6) If You Have A Flat-Tire Or You Find Yourself Having Car Trouble Along Side The Road...
...You'll Have 10 people within 10 minutes pull over to see if you need any help whatsoever...
7)...And of those 10 people, 9 of them will invite you over for dinner
So it will be up to you to figure out which offer to accept - and I'm not kidding - This is what is called "North Dakota Nice" - and it happens all the time! ( Picture might be a tad outdated, but you get the idea right?)
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