This story intrigued me the second I realized that a woman had more than just personal gain in mind

A sad past has not, and will never be forgotten for Crystal Andersen, a Fargo woman who has her sights set on winning $25,000 in a contest put on by a magazine. Crystal knows there are people out there that worked so hard in trying to find her missing mom. The only recollection she has of her are from pictures together of her when she was very little. We are talking about over 30 years that her mom Mary Lynn Anderson went missing in Wyoming, according to Eventually the reality of her mom came to an end when the news was presented to her that she was buried as a "Jane Doe" back in 1983. reported that "Her family brought her mom’s remains back home and laid her to rest, but the case investigating her death remains open. So far, there are still no leads on what happened to her"

Her number one goal now is to win this contest and give back to the groups that helped find her mom

The magazine is called "Inked", and she is trying to land her photo on the cover and score the prize of $25,000. She wants to give back to others out there that are going through the same situation she experienced, by trying to find a missing person. The contest ends in March, and here is where you can go to cast your vote for her -  Crystal’s Contestant Page 

25 True Crime Locations: What Do They Look Like Today?

Below, find out where 25 of the most infamous crimes in history took place — and what the locations are used for today. (If they've been left standing.)

RANKED: Here are the most popular national parks

To determine the most popular national parks in the United States, Stacker compiled data from the National Park Service on the number of recreational visits each site had in 2020. Keep reading to discover the 50 most popular national parks in the United States, in reverse order from #50 to #1. And be sure to check with individuals parks before you visit to find out about ongoing, pandemic-related safety precautions at


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