Have You Seen A Ghost At One Of These BisMan Places?
What's your favorite time of year? For many people, I'm going to guess that answer is the summer. I realize those that have lived in North Dakota their whole life are sick and tired of winter. I've only been out of California now for about 7 and a half years, so the change of seasons is still fun for me.
Bring on the cooler weather and fall months
I love the fall. Sweater weather for sure. I'm not a huge fan of what we just recently went through. Bismarck/Mandan saw some pretty hot days - record heat in the low 100's. I long now for cooler weather and fall months. October, football, ghosts, and haunted houses.
I've always been intrigued by haunted houses
I came across a cool website that lists several sites around BisMan that have had encounters with the unexplained. Hauntedplaces.org gives us a different variety of places where ghosts hang out - from the Liberty Memorial Building to the Apple Creek Country Club, and out in Mandan - Fort Abraham Lincoln - Custer House. Have you had any experience visiting those ghoulish get-togethers?
Apparently, we have an unusual occupant in our building
I was working late here at our radio station in Mandan, and I heard a door slam downstairs. There was no window open or a fan on that could have whipped up a gust of wind to have caused that reaction. I remember that someone had told me that there have been reports of a possible ghost (who knows, maybe a spirit from an old disc jockey from years ago). I wrapped up whatever I was doing and got out of here pretty quick.
Have you ever had a run-in with something or someone?
I could never imagine being one of those ghost-hunters you see on television - you know the ones who go someplace and spend the night and try and record everything. What kind of spooky tales have you experienced? Do you think there is no such thing as paranormal activity OR do you go to bed with the lights on?
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