Here In BisMan – Do You Take Part In Ripping Off Netflix?
Ok look, just want to make something perfectly clear before I proceed head-on with this story...
I am not out to tattle on anyone or pass judgment, so feel free to remain "mum" on this controversial subject. I personally know many people who are guilty of this, as a matter of fact, they show no sign of any remorse one bit. To these so-called thieves, they do this every day, so matter of factly, not even thinking of any possible punishment. Kind of like we all take it for granted the sun is going to rise, there are those that will continue to commit minor acts of wrongdoing.
Let's now delicately get straight to it
Do you watch Netflix? Better yet, do you actually pay the monthly rate for the privilege to watch Netflix? The price has gone up, which caused many people that were on the borderline of thinking they were paying too much to keep watching Ozark, to cancel their subscription. Here is the thing, there are so many people that are sharing passwords that Netflix has actually decided to do something about it. I would guess some people feel they already pay enough as it is each month, that it's okay to share their Netflix password with like 20 others. You're not the only one that does this, according to cnbc.com "More than 100 million households are using a shared password...including 30 million in the U.S. and Canada" - because of this Netflix has said they have lost revenue. I have a friend in Minot that has contemplated the same thing, but it didn't take too long until she had pretty much the same philosophy, "What's it going to hurt if someone else shares my password?" - I posted this same issue here in Bismarck, on my personal Facebook page, and nearly 100% agreed with my friend - "I'm pretty sure Netflix won't go out of business if my brother in Fargo uses my password to get in"
What's their course of action?
"Netflix's plan to capture that lost revenue would start with an alert being sent to account holders whose passwords are being used by other households" cnbc.com added. My one thought is that maybe so many people are guilty of sharing their passwords with a ton of others is because the monthly rate to watch Netflix is too much. Time will tell if Netflix feels that they have accomplished anything at all.
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